
Why Using Social Media is a must for a Business

Social media has become a new arena for businesses to reach their customers as well as acquire new customers. The platforms present a wide range of benefits to a business that utilizes social media effectively.

About Social Media

Social media platforms are where people interact, communicate among peers, and see updates of people they follow. Some of the common social media networks include; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Messenger, and Pininterest among other networks. All of these platforms have different target audiences as shall be seen in the preceding paragraphs.

The growth of the use of social media networks has shifted from being more of use by peer-to-peer individuals to being used by a business as they bridge the gap to reach more clients and customers.

Today most businesses that are using Social media as part of their marketing strategy have a competitive advantage over a business that is still conservative and ignoring the social networks.

Why you can’t ignore to use social media in your business

Social media is inevitable and if you want to ignore using if for your business you could be mission out of the following benefits that accrue to a business using social media as part of their marketing plan;

The importance of Social media in a Business

1. Social media creates brand awareness

Once you have created socials media profiles for your business, you create the business brand awareness online where more and more people will get to know your business brand, the product or the services that it offers; they can, therefore, identify the brand easily from just a glimpse of the business logo.

2.Creating Customers’ and client’s loyalty

When a business has a presence on social media it can connect with its clients and customers who follow the business social media platforms. As the business keeps on updating posts on the social media platform the customers get to see the updates, therefore, as a result, build on their trust in the business.

When the customers have trust in the business for the product and services it offers, they will be loyal customers to the business. Remember one of the biggest challenges for a business that uses the online business operating model is getting people to trust that its genuine and not a scam.

3. Reaching more new customers

People using social media globally are many, daily there are millions of people online on these social networks. The platforms, therefore, provide a business an avenue to reach more new customers and clients.

To get more people following a business on social media profiles, the business can create social media ads, used social media optimization strategy or grow the followers organically.  The new followers with time will become the business customers, especially where the business plans well on its target audience.

4.Social media is a communication channel

Social media accounts are used by a business as communications channels. Most big corporations and even influential personalities use social media as a platform to communicate on projects and news they have to release to the public.

Today social media has also been embraced as a channel for customer Care management where businesses have dedicated staff ready to respond to any inquiries by customers on social networks.

5.Driving Traffic to a business website

Social media will drive traffic to a business website where (Creating a Business website) a business posts website links on social media posts. A business website will, therefore, have many users interacting with it as they are directed there from social networks.

When the business website has frequent, and a good number of users it will also rank top on google search results.

Creating a business Social media plan

To use social media effectively, a business must come up with an elaborate social media plan that guided the business on how to use social networks. The plan should outline among other things:

  1. The social networks to use
  2. How to frequently post on the social media platforms
  3. Social media calendars
  4. Advertisement policy framework for social media
  5. Budget for Social media Ads
  6. Social media manager roles and responsibilities.
  7. Measuring and reporting the effectiveness of social media


Social media present a wide range of benefits to a business that utilizes it effectively. For more on social media and how to create a social media plan for your business, you can contact us for consultation.


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